====== Installing the Arduino Libraries for the Sparrow Nodes ======
* Step 1. Open the Arduino IDE
* Step 2. Go to File -> Preferences
* Step 3. In the Additional Boards Manager URLs textbox add the following link: http://clkdiv8.com/download/package_clkdiv8pre_index.json
* Step 4. Close the window by pressing OK
* Step 5. Go to Tools -> Board -> Boards Manager
* Step 6. Search "sparrow"
* Step 7. Hit Install
* Step 8. You're done!
Here is a video tutorial of the process:
- Download [[https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/Software|Arduino]]
- Download and unzip the {{:sparrow_patch.zip|patch}} in a separate folder
- Locate the installation folder of Arduino on your drive (for Windows it's usually Program Files)
- Copy in **Arduino\hardware\arduino\cores** the contents of the folder **sparrow_patch\Arduino\hardware\arduino\cores\sparrow**
- Replace the file **Arduino\hardware\arduino\boards.txt** with **sparrow_patch\Arduino\hardware\arduino\boards.txt**
- Copy in **Arduino\hardware\arduino\variants** the folder named **sparrow** from **sparrow_patch\Arduino\hardware\arduino\variants**
- Restart the Arduino IDE
After a successful patch, you should be able to select a new board named Sparrow from the Tools>Board menu.
Connect the Sparrow Nest board through the supplied micro-USB cable to your computer and select the appropriate COM port from the Tools>Port menu
{{ :arduino.png?500 |}}
You're all set up!
Excited to run your first code on Sparrow? Check out how to say [[tutorials_hello_world|Hello World]]!